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breastfeeding preparation classes


About breastfeeding, education and support!


La Leche League International

LLL is a pioneer in the field of peer-to-peer breastfeeding information and support. They’ve been supporting mothers and nursing parents for over 66 years. The multilingual LLLI website has many resources to help you!

La Leche League Greece

Non-profit association representing La Leche League International in Greece. Website with rich informative material, meeting programs, volunteers lactation cosultants (LLL Leaders) etc.

e-magazine "galoucho"

The only magazine for breastfeeding in Greece. Published twice a year by La Leche League Greece with articles on breastfeeding, interviews, mothers’ stories, recipes and activities.

Greek IBCLC Association

The Association of Certified Lactation Consultants IBCLC Greece & Cyprus was founded in 2007 and since then, it has been involved in the organisation of annual workshops, the translation of printed materials and is present at events for the promotion of breastfeeding in Greece and abroad.

IBFAN Greece

Infant and Child Nutrition Action Network, member of the International Baby Food Action Network, a global network of active citizens, parents and health professionals. It aims to protect, promote and support breastfeeding in Greece.



ALKYONI aspires to change the attitude of the entire Greek society towards breastfeeding. This has been achieved through actions aimed at raising awareness among the general public, supporting breastfeeding mothers and informing health professionals.

Paediatric Care

Paediatricians are active supporters of exclusive breastfeeding. They encourage uninterrupted contact between mother and infant during the first months of life. They guide parents’ efforts with knowledge and experience to provide a wealth of appropriate stimuli at every age to promote their child’s full psychomotor development.


This website was born out of love for babies and breastfeeding mothers and the belief that breastfeeding is the only natural way of feeding and raising our children. Breastfeeding and/or expectant mothers can find the best possible information, support and advice on breastfeeding and its problems here.

Video SNS

Video about the SNS (supplemental nursing system) which is a complementary feeding system for infants that helps to keep the baby close to the breast to ensure breastfeeding!

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